In “Blindside”, SuckerPunch shows you the lives of the fighters that you don’t normally see. We will post pictures of our fighters outside the cage and let them tell you the story.
Let’s set the scene. Lets just say it involves “Bartimus”, a certain cafeteria tray, a famous windy road, some drunk guys at a party trying to pick a fight with some punk that just happened to be an IFL champion.
Bart, what in the #*$! is going on in this picture?
well let me set the stage. We where out in San Fransisco to celebrate. Sarah Curran her sister and I have our bdays just couple of days apart. We where also out there for our friend Brian’s anniversary. It was the day of the weight-ins and day before Jeff Curran’s fight against Mike Brown. Since a few of us haven’t been out that way we took a quick tour of the city after dinner. We stopped at the famous Lombard st. where we saw some skater kids flying down the street on food trays so I figured, looks fun I’ll give it a shot. It was awesome as you can see I ate $!t# few times but the final run I stayed on all the way down before wrecking. I was laughing pretty hard when out of nowhere I got hit by a fricken beer can. I stood up yelling and freaking out and almost got pegged with another one! Anyway I had a bit of an argument with like 4 guys and they threatened to kick my ass… since I had beer muscles I was ready to fight all of them. So they ended up calling cop and I ended up running all the way up that huge, windy hill, hopping in the limo and taking off with a smile on my face but pissed off, cause they ruined my night. Ass clowns!
Just another Saturday night!
I would have had your back man. I can “Screech-Punch” like no one else.
Here is some proof to back up Barts story… a pic of “Big Frog” wondering what the hell is taking Bart so long to get back up the hill!? Bart slid so fast and far down the hill we couldn’t see him anymore. We had know idea that he was at the bottom of the hill getting pelted by beer and almost getting in a fight with some drunks.

I mean how lucky were these guys that they didnt really step to Bart? If the Critical Fight Gear hat, TapOut lounge jacket, full sleeve tat and cauliflower ear wasn’t enough of a signal not to pick a fight with this guy I know what is. lol
So this is what you do a month out from your fights? Hmmm, as your trainer Bart, I’m not sure I should let you leave anymore LOL! You crack me up man!
i always wonder what the hell that kid is up to. he is out of his mind. Like when he decides to paint a beutiful Picture out of MUSTARD on the pool tables of a bar. or when he decides to go streaking naked through a bar. Bart is crazy somtimes….(was my shirt tucked in accidently? man, my ass looks nice)
I know it’s a light in the back round but it looks like jeff is holding a glow stick. Or is he…
Note to self…..keep condiments and Cue Sports away from Bart
I think that is Jeff’s Bling shining in the moonlight…lol
No it’s a glow stick in Jeff’s hand , and there’s always ketchup.
Lol nice story. Reminded me of myself back in the day when I worked at Best Buy. I use to run real quick, hop on the flat bed carts, and ride them around the parking lot. I never wrecked though, because I am one of the best flat bed cart riders around. Sheeee…
Are you sure it isn’t some “P-Diddy” sized bling. You know a frog ring with diamonds for eyes. “Ribbet Ribbet Beyotch.” LMAO
I dont know what to say…hahahahahahaha
You guys have it all wrong…That’s Jeff’s Batman pose.
Hey this is supposed to be about me.
Oh Yeah…so um How you doing Bart? lol…So what kinda board do you own?
a wooden one with wheels 🙂
AWESOME BART!! Have you made it to four wheels are you still rocking a set of training wheels? LOL
No the training wheels are still on.
I have bumper pads on my training wheels and an airbag.
I don’t have an airbag but I do wear protective gear. Knee pads, elbow pads. I got a hard head so I’m good there.