SuckerPunch Entertainment is the number one sports marketing and management group in MMA.
We take pride in everyone of our athletes and sponsors.
With our extensive background in advertising and marketing, we understand the importance of your brand and aligning it with the right personalities that are not only at the top of their game but also at the top of their character. We are selective with whom we sign and place a high priority on our athletes being ambassadors for this sport.
We offer comprehensive packages that include exposure 365 days a year. We continually work for your brand and want you to feel that value so you continue to be a part of our team. We don’t just stick your logo or patch on the shorts and take your check!
MMA is undeniably the fastest growing sport in the country and it is on the verge of going mainstream. With that type of draw, and the popularity of our athletes amongst the coveted 18 to 49 year old male demographic, the time is ripe for your brand to take advantage of these entitlement opportunities.
For information on having your brand endorsed by one of our athletes please contact;
If you are serious about making MMA your career and want representation to market and build yourself in and out of the cage/ring then you have found the right group. We can work with fighters who have existing management or provide full service representation and management for you. We have strong relationships with every major promotion in the country and will build your career strategically and carefully.
As a young fighter it is important to align yourself with a group you can trust and that has high integrity. We want to keep “respect and honor” in this sport and will go to great lengths to keep our name and yours solid. Remember if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… its probably a really bad agent or manager in a duck suit.
For management or marketing contact;